Piecing It Together: Supporting Children and Families with a Family Member in Prison in Ireland assesses progress on a series of recommendations made by IPRT in “Picking up the Pieces” in 2012. IPRT is one of the co-Chairs of Action for Children and Families of Prisoners (ACFP)
The report was informed by the expertise of ACFPand is also endorsed by the ACFP. On publication of this report, IPRT asked the ACFP to further develop the recommendations in key areas, bringing their vision, expertise, and important on-the ground and lived experience.
While the report details some pockets of good practice in Ireland, it highlights a number of significant gaps, including: limited national recognition of the rights of children with a family member in prison; the continued lack of any national support services for these children; visiting conditions that are not child-friendly; limited data and research; and stigmatisation of these children and their families.
View our video explaining the report here.
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