Network Submission to the Judicial Planning Working Group

Network Submission to the Judicial Planning Working Group

In this submission to the Open Consultation of the Judicial Planning Working Group, the Action for Children and Families of Prisoners Network contributes to the theme of ‘development of judicial skills’. In this submission, the Network notes the need for...
Upcoming opportunities: Oct + Nov 2021

Upcoming opportunities: Oct + Nov 2021

See below a range of opportunities to bring about positive sustained changes for children and families affected by imprisonment. This page will be updated as new opportunities arise. SUBMISSIONS Consultation on Ireland’s draft State report to the UN Committee on the...
Network Submission to the Review of Prison Rules

Network Submission to the Review of Prison Rules

The Network made a submission to the consultation on the review of the Prison Rules 2007 (‘the Rules’), with a specific focus on sections of the Rules that relate to the priority work areas of the Network. Below is a brief overview of the issues covered in...

Network meeting with the Irish Prison Service

On 7th October 2021, co-Chairs of the Action for Children and Families of Prisoners network met with representatives of the Irish Prison Service, including Fergal Black (Director of Care and Rehabilitation), to discuss priorities for children and families of prisoners...
Fourth meeting of Action for Children and Families of Prisoners

Fourth meeting of Action for Children and Families of Prisoners

On Wednesday 8th September 2021, the Action for Children and Families Network joined together for the first meeting of the network for the 2021/2022 period. The primary focus of the meeting was to generate ideas on how to action the various recommendations of IPRT’s...
IPRT launches ‘Piecing it Together’

IPRT launches ‘Piecing it Together’

Piecing It Together: Supporting Children and Families with a Family Member in Prison in Ireland assesses progress on a series of recommendations made by IPRT in “Picking up the Pieces” in 2012. IPRT is one of the co-Chairs of Action for Children and...