Action for
Children and Families
of Prisoners

We are a network focused on children and families affected by imprisonment. Our members include community-based organisations, researchers, and advocacy groups. We aim to map current knowledge and supports, and disseminate best practices and actions for change.

The estimated number of children with a parent in prison on any given day in Ireland

The estimated number of children who experience parental imprisonment each year in Ireland


Next steps in the collaborative book project

Next steps in the collaborative book project

On 28 September 2023, members of the Action for Children and Families Network (the Network) involved in the collaborative book project steering committee with Kids’ Own Publishing met for the third time to progress the project. The committee welcomed a representative...

The Network raises concerns in a letter to the Irish Prison Service

The Network raises concerns in a letter to the Irish Prison Service

In a letter dated 9 September 2023, the Action for Children and Families Network (the Network) have written to the Director General of the Irish Prison Service, Caron McCaffrey. The Network raised the following concerns and posed questions to Ms McCaffery:   Families...


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