Action for
Children and Families
of Prisoners
We are a network focused on children and families affected by imprisonment. Our members include community-based organisations, researchers, and advocacy groups. We aim to map current knowledge and supports, and disseminate best practices and actions for change.
The estimated number of children with a parent in prison on any given day in Ireland
The estimated number of children who experience parental imprisonment each year in Ireland

Eight Meeting of Action for Children and Families of Prisoners Network
On Thursday 8 December 2022, the Action for Children and Families of Prisoners Network joined together online for their eighth meeting. The primary focus of the meeting was for individual members to provide an update on the work they have been carrying out on behalf...
Seventh Meeting of Action for Children and Families of Prisoners Network
On Thursday 8th September 2022, the Action for Children and Families of Prisoners Network joined together online for their seventh meeting. The primary focus of the meeting was for individual members to provide an update on the work they have been carrying out on...
Network Letter to the Irish Prison Service
On 26th August 2022, the Action for Children and Families of Prisoners Network sent a letter to Director General of the Irish Prison Service, Caron McCaffrey to follow-up on actions set out at our meeting with the Irish Prison Service on 7th October 2021. You can read...
Sixth Meeting of Action for Children and Families of Prisoners Network
The Network welcomed Siobhán Cafferty, Social Enterprise Project Manager for the Irish Criminal Justice Sector, to present her work on the Working to Change Strategy.
Fifth meeting of Action for Children and Families of Prisoners
The Network welcomed two representatives from Dillon’s Cross Project in Cork, who will hopefully be joining the Network meetings going forward into the future.
Network Submission to Government Policy Framework for Children and Young People in Ireland
The Network made a brief submission to the Public Consultation on the next Government Policy Framework for Children and Young People in Ireland, specifically focusing on children and young people with a family member in prison in Ireland.
Supported by
the Katharine Howard Foundation
and St Stephen’s Green Trust