Action for
Children and Families
of Prisoners
We are a network focused on children and families affected by imprisonment. Our members include community-based organisations, researchers, and advocacy groups. We aim to map current knowledge and supports, and disseminate best practices and actions for change.
The estimated number of children with a parent in prison on any given day in Ireland
The estimated number of children who experience parental imprisonment each year in Ireland

Third meeting of Action for Children and Families of Prisoners
The key focus of the third network meeting was to inform the updating of the “Picking up the Pieces” report. Three network members presented their research to inform the updated report.
Second meeting of Action for Children and Families of Prisoners
Governor Peter O’Brien of Cork Prison addressed the Network on ‘Christmas, Families, Covid-19 & Prison Visits’. Membership had an opportunity to engage on the prevailing situation.
First meeting of Action for Children and Families of Prisoners
We were delighted to welcome Rachel Brett (Vice President, Children of Prisoners Europe (COPE)) as a guest speaker for the first meeting of the network.
Project overview and kick-off announcement
IPRT is excited to announce a new three-year project aiming to reduce harm for children and families affected by imprisonment, with an additional focus on reducing female imprisonment.
Supported by
the Katharine Howard Foundation
and St Stephen’s Green Trust